My Account

Last Updated: November 06, 2023

Question Category

How do I register for an account?
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Registering for a Kartu Prakerja account is very easy! You can use your active email address. Here's the guide: Enter your email and password, then click on the Register button.

You will receive a notification via email.

Next, open your email and perform the verification sent to you.

Registration is successful. Congratulations! Your registration is complete, and you now have a Kartu Prakerja account!.

What steps should I take if I do not receive the verification email?
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Please check both your email inbox and spam folder and search for the keyword "Prakerja". Ensure that the email you registered is still active. If you have not yet received the verification email, please reach out to us using the Report Form.

How do I log into my account?
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Visit the website .
Click on the Login button on the homepage.
Enter the email and password associated with your registered account, along with the captcha code displayed. Click on the Masuk (Login) button.

You will be prompted to verify your account by entering the OTP (One-Time Password) code sent to your email. Please check both. your inbox and spam folder for the OTP code.

Enter the 6-digit OTP code correctly.

In case you input the OTP code incorrectly or if the OTP code sent to your email has expired, you can request a new code up to 5 times. If you exceed this limit, you will need to wait for 2 hours to receive a new code.

If you have entered the OTP code correctly, click on the Verify button, and you will successfully gain access to your account.

What should I do if I forget my password?
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Click "Forgot Password" to enter the Forgot Password Page

You can enter one of the following options to get the password reset link:

  • Mobile phone number
  • NIK
  • E-mail
  • Input Mobile Number to Reset Password
    • Enter your cellphone number and date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) registered for Pre-Employment, then click the Send button
    • An information pop-up will appear to check E-mail/SMS, click the Return to Login button to re-login after Resetting the Password
    • A password reset link will be sent via email and SMS to the mobile number of the Prakerja account owner
  • Input NIK to Reset Password
    • Enter your NIK and date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) registered for Pre-Employment, then click the Submit button
    • An information pop-up will appear to check E-mail/SMS, click the Return to Login button to re-login after Resetting the Password
    • A password reset link will be sent via email and SMS to the mobile number of the Prakerja account owner
  • Input E-mail to Reset Password
    • Enter Prakerja's registered e-mail address and click the Send button
    • An information pop-up appears to check your e-mail: 'Your password reset email has been sent to [complete email address]', click the Return to Login button to re-login after Resetting the Password
    • A password reset link will be sent via email
  • Email & SMS Reset Password
    • Password Reset link will be sent via:
      • Email: when the user inputs Email/NIK/No. Mobile
      • SMS: when the user inputs NIK & Mobile Number
    • The complete email address registered by Prakerja will also be informed via SMS Reset Password
What should I do if I am unable to log in to my Prakerja account?
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If you are unable to access your Prakerja account due to failed verification and being blocked, you can reach out to us through the Report Form. Please attach the following documents for verification:

  • Original registered e-KTP (ID card) photo
  • Original registered KK (Family Card) photo
  • Selfie while holding the original registered e-KTP
  • Selfie while holding the original registered KK

Once we receive the complete documents, we will proceed with the verification process. Please be patient while we work on restoring your access to your Prakerja account!

Why am I not receiving the verification code or OTP?
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The Verification Code or OTP (One-Time Password) is a dynamic and confidential password consisting of a unique 4 or 6-digit number. It is typically sent via SMS or email to the contact information associated with your Kartu Prakerja account. This code serves as a validation tool to prevent any misuse of your account. Each code sent is usually valid for a few minutes.

If you are not receiving the OTP, it could be due to the phone number or email address registered in your account being inactive or no longer in use. Therefore, you need to ensure that the phone number and email address associated with your account are up to date and actively in use.

If your phone number and email are active, but you still haven't received the OTP, please contact us through the Report Form for further assistance.

Why is my account blocked?
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The Project Management Office, as the administrator of the Kartu Prakerja website, reserves the right to block user accounts that violate the Terms and Conditions. It is crucial to read, comprehend, and agree to all the provisions stated in the
Terms and Conditions.

If you believe that your account has been blocked unjustly, and you have not violated any of the terms outlined in the Kartu Prakerja Report Form, please reach out to us through the Report Form for assistance.

Why do I get the notification "Akun kamu terindikasi melakukan kecurangan" on my dashboard?
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If you get this notification on your dashboard, it means that your account has been detected as fraudulent because the facial verification process does not comply with the provisions. Make sure you do facial verification with your own face, not represented by someone else, and scan your face directly via your cellphone or laptop camera.

Can I change my account name?
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The name on your Kartu Prakerja account will be automatically registered according to the name listed on your Kartu Tanda Penduduk (Indonesian ID card) and cannot be changed.

Can I change my password?
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Password is an important aspect when logging into your Kartu Prakerja account. If you feel that your password is easily guessed or no longer secure, it is recommended to change your password regularly.

If you wish to change your password, please follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Kartu Prakerja account.

  • Select Profile (Profile), and click on Ubah Password/Password (Change Password or Password).

  • Enter your old password and then enter your new password.

  • Click on Ubah/Atur Ulang (Change or Reset).

Please remember that your password should be kept confidential. Therefore, do not share or distribute your account password to others.

Can I change my mobile phone number?
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You can change your phone number if you are a Kartu Prakerja beneficiary in the current year.

On your dashboard, choose Profil (Profile) and click on "Change" in the Mobile Phone Number section.

Before changing your mobile phone number, you need to unlink your bank account to ensure that you can still receive incentives.

Click on Ya, Putuskan Rekening (Yes, Unlink Account)

You have successfully unlinked your account. Next, click on Ganti Nomor (Change Number).

Enter your new phone number and click Lanjutkan (Continue).

Enter the 6-digit OTP code that has been sent to your new phone number. Click Verifikasi (Verify).

Congratulations! Your phone number has been successfully updated. Don't forget to connect your e-wallet account to your new phone number to continue receiving incentives.

What if my account is being misused by someone else?
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If you suspect unauthorized access to your account or notice any password changes without your knowledge, it is crucial to promptly change your password on your Profile page. In case of password changes made without your consent, click on the Lupa password? (Forgot password?) button on the login page. When updating your password, remember never to share the verification link, verification code/OTP, or password with others to prevent any potential compromise of your account.

How do I keep my account safe?
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To prevent fraud by unauthorized parties, make sure you understand the following security guidelines:

  • One-time Password (OTP) or verification codes are confidential information. Do not share these codes with anyone, including individuals claiming to be employees of the Project Management Office or the Government.

  • Do not easily trust individuals claiming to be employees of the Project Management Office or the Government, and do not disclose personal data or transfer any funds to them.

  • Be cautious when asked to access a link by someone else. Do not access links that require you to provide your account name and password.

  • Regularly change your Kartu Prakerja account password and your personal email account password. Avoid using the same and easily guessable passwords.

  • All information will be published through official Kartu Prakerja channels, such as the website, emails with the domain, or official Kartu Prakerja social media accounts.

  • Familiarize yourself with the official Kartu Prakerja accounts.

By following these security guidelines, you can help prevent fraud and protect your personal information.

Can I delete my Kartu Prakerja account?
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Once registered, you cannot delete your Kartu Prakerja account.